I am now accessing as a :

Government Of Assam Home & Political Assam Prison Headquarters

Key Officials

Additional Chief Secretary

Shri Ajay Tiwari, IAS
Addl. Chief Secretary to the Government of Assam
Home & Political Department



Shri Deba Prasad Misra, IAS
Secretary to the Government of Assam
Home & Political Department
Email :  homedepartmentb@gmail.com,  homebdepartment2018@gmail.com 


Head of the Department

Smti. Pubali Gohain, ACS
Inspector General of Prisons, Assam
Assam Prison Headquarters, Khanapara, Guwahati-22
Email:prisons-assam@gov.in, igprisonsassam@gmail.com

Key Officials

Shri Gautam Borah,

Deputy Inspector General of Prisons(Range), Guwahati &
i/c Deputy Inspector General of Prisons (HQ), Assam
Assam Prison Headquarters, Khanapara, Guwahati-22
Email:prisons-assam@gov.in, igprisonsassam@gmail.com

Shri Bapan Chakraborty,
Assistant Inspector General of Prisons, Assam
Assam Prison Headquarters, Khanapara, Guwahati-22
Email:prisons-assam@gov.in, igprisonsassam@gmail.com

Shri Ajit Kumar Doley,

Deputy Inspector General of Prisons (Range), Jorhat

Shri Ranjit Buragohain,

Assistant Inspector General of Prisons, Assam

Khanapara, Guwahati -781022

Email: prisons-assam@gov.in, igprisonsassam@gmail.com